It is the policy of Approve Network Installations LTD to promote a Health and Safety culture throughout the Company, which is committed to the prevention of injuries and ill health of our employees, Sub-Contractors and others who may be affected by our work activities and to prevent any damage or loss to property, plant or equipment.

We believe it is our responsibility;

  • To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  • To provide training and instruction that will enable employees to perform their work safely.
  • To maintain a continuing and progressive interest in Health & Safety
  • To adhere to all statutory requirements for Health & Safety
  • To consult & involve employees in Health & safety matters wherever practicable.

We also recognise that our employees have a duty to co-operate in the implementation of the Health & safety policy by:

  • Working safely
  • Meeting their statutory duties
  • Reporting incidents that have, or may lead to injury or damage
  • Following all Health & safety procedures and safe systems of work

We actively encourage and promote Continuous Professional Development for all our employees and regular training is part of the Health and Safety strategy of the company.

All of our engineers carry the Construction Skills Construction Scheme card and have completed training courses on the following;

  • IPAF
  • CITB – Health & Safety Course
  • Site Safety Management